Squidward'z Z'uicide Part 4

Part 4

They had gone to a month ago before they knew it. Squidward panting, Andrew sweating.
“Come on, we have to save Jeff,” Andrew said as he jumped out of the car and stretched his arms.
“You must.”
Squidward slowly got out of the car, not wanting to be killed by Andrew or erased.
“Jeff? Jeff?”
They wandered through the city for quiet awhile.
“Jeff? City--I mean Jeff?”
No reply.
“Jeff, I’m sorry for erasing you!”
“But master,” said Squidward, “Jeff does not know that he will be erased in the future, so how would that make sense?”
Squidward stared at the bewilderment on Andrew’s face.
“I mean -- Sorry…” Squidward quickly added.
After what seemed like forever, Andrew said, “Oh, you’re right.”
Squidward gave a sigh of relief. He was afraid of being erased by Andrew.
“C’mon,” Andrew said. He ran down the street, Squidward tailing him, but then running back to the van to get his shotgun.
“Forget that, Squidward, you won’t be needing it.”
“Yes, okay master.”
He ran back to the van and threw the gun back in it then caught back up to Andrew.
They had been wandering around the city for a long time. Had Jeff been erased? But Andrew wasn’t at his garage, he wasn’t there to erase him in the first place. But then… he wasn’t there to make Squidward… but he had already made Squidward… but then…
Stop, Andrew told himself, Jeff hasn’t been erased, he hasn’t! I’ll stop thinking about this or I’ll be too confused to think…
Then they heard the words, “No, but I can make you go to sleep.”
Andrew jumped up. The only person Andrew had ever known to say that was Jeff. He and Squidward turned around to see Jeff stabbing a man in the groin and drinking the semen.
“Jeff!” Andrew started as he ran toward him.
“Andrew?” Jeff said angrily.
“I’m sorry for being mean and erasing you!”
“Erasing me?”
“You don’t know it,” Andrew said, “but I erased you from Creepypasta in the future and I have come from the present to get you back.
Jeff didn’t say anything/
Obviously, his mind was blown.
“So anyway, I’m really sorry, Jeff,” said Andrew
Jeff’s expression changed. The whole reason he had even been in the city was to get away from Andrew. Jeff eyes darted from Squidward to Andrew’s useless apendage.
“Glad you’re okay, Andrew. I’m sorry for not rescuing you, I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay,” began Andrew, “I am left-handed anyway.”
Jeff looked at Squidward.
“I see you created your -- ahem --- pasta.”
“Yeah,” said Andrew, sadly turning to Squidward. “But you’re better.”
Squidward obviously wanted to protest, you could tell by his expression, but he remained silent as they sped back to the present.
They re-arrived to the place, and the creepypastas were all happy and cheering. When they saw Jeff, though, they bursted with applause. Someone 3 miles away could hear them, and might as well thought a small explosion was happening.
“Glad to have you back, Jeff,” said Ben as he gave Jeff a good shake.
“You too.”
“But I’m not back.”
“Just jacking with ya, Ben.”
After hours of saying “Hi Jeff,” the pastas returned back through the gates of hell to Creepypasta world, where they resided for years until Squidward became famous like the others.
“I’m famous!” Squidward said happily as he searched ‘Squidwards suicide” on the Google Search Engine.
“Yep,” said the Rake. “Now how about we party because Jeff is back!”
“But Rake,” Slenderman said, “we got Jeff back years ago.” he said with a grim expression. Then he laughed. “But who said we could party again!”
And then they had fun, and some Creepypastas got deleted (like Happy Appy and Noodles) but that didn’t weigh down the spirits.
Now, I hope I have taught you all a valuable lesson, although I don’t know what the lesson is, but you can just come up with your own.
Sincerly, Andrew Whingings, sole owner of Creepypasta.